The makers of celebrity reality show Bigg Boss are upping the ante for the upcoming season seven. Like in the previous editions, this season too will be hosted by Salman Khan. However, audiences can expect a twist this time. In keeping with the theme for this year, saath-saat, the show will feature a motley group of celebrities. According to our source, while some of these will be new faces, others will be participants who have already been on the show in its previous seasons.
The promos of the show are currently on air and they depict Salman in the dual avatar of an angel as well as the devil. A source informs, “Celebrities like Dolly Bindra, Imam Siddique, Rajev Paul and Pooja Misrra have apparently signed the contract. It is unclear if they will stay in the house for the entire duration of the show or for a shorter period. The makers could also be bringing them on board to give the show a boost in its first few weeks.”
Among the fresh faces, actors like Sonarika Bhadoria and Rakesh Paul (Rajev’s brother) are believed to have signed the show. Pratyusha Banerjee, Kushal Tandon, Vatsal Seth, Shilpa and Apurva Agnihotri are also rumoured to be on board.